Support partners

The following parties provide support to Dutch companies to facilitate smooth entrance to the Japanese market:


Netherlands Enterprise Agency Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO)

First point of contact for questions about the Japanese market. Provides support for developing and expanding an organization in the Netherlands and Japan, e.g. through providing subsidies. Organises trade and innovation missions for various industries from and to Japan and the Netherlands.


The Netherlands Embassy in Tokyo / The Netherlands Consulate-General in Osaka

Offers regular support to address the challenges Dutch businesses encounter in Japan, provides tailored market insights, informs about Japanese business cultures and organises networking events. If you are considering entering the Japanese market or encounter challenges along the way, contact the embassy or consulate-general via this address.


The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce in Japan (NCCJ)

Supports the business activities of its members in Japan and organises networking events.

Photo by Austin Kehmeier on Unsplash

EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation

Specialised in supporting EU SMEs aiming to enter the Japanese market. Organises business missions in Japan, allows use of their online matchmaking database, provides networking opportunities, offers logistical support and temporary offices, helps with tax and public procurement issues and publishes market access reports and related workshops.



Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)

Provides an online trade fair database, helps foreign organisations connect with Japanese companies, writes tailor-made reports, provides support for opening bank accounts, arranges temporary offices and offers consultations on visa, taxation, HR and certification issues.

The Business Development Center Tokyo

The Business Development Center Tokyo, established by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, serves as a comprehensive support hub, providing a one-stop solution for all the requirements of foreign companies contemplating business expansion in Tokyo.

Photo by Charles Postiaux on Unsplash