Cross-industrial events for scale- and startups

Summer 2023
Fall 2023
Winter 2023
Winter 2023
Spring 2024
April - October 2025


SusHi Tech Tokyo is Asia’s largest and Japan’s only global innovation convention that seeks to create “new encounters” with (inter)national startup ecosystems to tackle a wide variety of common global urban issues such as infrastructure, education, and culture. They have keynote sessions, a pitch contest, booth exhibitions and business matching sessions.

Takeoff Tokyo is a two-day event for startup founders from all around the world. Startup entrepreneurs share their experiences on panel discussions, meet with potential investors and go head-to-head in a startup pitch contest.

Innovation Leaders Summit (ILS) backed by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), ILS matches large, established companies with startups to foster innovative new businesses. Online matchmaking is also possible and that offers an easy way to explore the Japanese market and way of doing business in a rather easy way for a good price.

Photo by Yoav Aziz on Unsplash


From April to October 2025, the World Expo will be held in Osaka. The Expo will lead to an increased interest in international collaboration. Both on the Road2Osaka and during the Expo itself, the Netherlands facilitates Common Ground – the theme of the Netherlands pavilion – where Dutch and Japanese innovators can contribute to shape our shared future, focusing on:

1. Transition to clean and renewable energy, sustainability, and circular economy
2. Agrifood and horticulture
3. Life sciences and health, incl. sports
4. High-tech & digitalisation
5. Culture

Hack Osaka is one of Kansai’s largest annual innovation festival for entrepreneurs, corporations, investors, local governments and other stakeholders. Activities during the festival include keynote speeches, exhibitions, pitch contests and business matching.

Global Innovation Forum (GIF) is an annual exhibition and business matching event organized by The Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI).

Startupbootcamp Scale Osaka is an equity-free innovation program for high-growth mature startups, focused on business development and running pilot projects. Each program lasts 3 months offering 10 participating companies tailored support.

Osaka Innovation Hub (OIH) is an Osaka City government-backed startup community and co-host of GET IN THE RING organizes over 250 events per year, for entrepreneurs, engineers, investors and other stakeholders.

Osaka Plug and Play is an innovation platform that organizes one vertical (a 12-week industry-specific accelerator program) per year in its global innovation ecosystem.

Photo by Nicolas Caetano on Unsplash